Speaker Details

Raffaele Maglione
University of Naples Federico II

Raffaele Maglione

PhD candidate
Raffaele Maglione graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. Currently, he is an industrial PhD student who works with the vehicle dynamics research group of UniNa in cooperation with VESevo Smart Technologies. He is primarily interested in studying and modeling viscoelastic materials to enhance the VESevo device, which enables precise and efficient characterization of polymers. His specific focus lies in utilizing viscoelastic data to enhance performance in the motorsport industry and ensure precise product production in the quality control field.


Experimental investigation: compound viscoelasticity and road roughness effects on tire

The global characteristics of tires are significantly influenced by viscoelasticity and road roughness; however, isolating the influence of these parameters from other factors is challenging. This study proposes a synthesis of an experimental campaign, conducted both indoors and outdoors, including different compounds on distinct road surfaces, to investigate possible direct links between surface roughness, viscoelasticity and tire global characteristics such as adherence level and stiffness. By uniforming carcass design and controlling operating, thermodynamic and wear conditions, the study aims to isolate and examine these critical influences in a completely novel multidimensional way.