Speaker Details

Arsen Tskhay
Apollo Tyres

Arsen Tskhay

EngD candidate
Arsen Tskhay was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He has a BSc in applied physics and an MSc in mechanical engineering from the University of Groningen, Netherlands. In February 2024, he began his engineering doctorate (EngD) at the elastomer technology and engineering (ETE) and computational design and structural materials (CDSM) groups at the University of Twente. The project is sponsored and supported by Apollo Tyres. His research focuses on predicting the wet grip behavior of tire treads, with a focus on using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).


Predictions of dynamic-mechanical response of tire tread compounds

The dynamic-mechanical response of tire tread is a highly complex problem. The non-linear nature of filled elastomers and the real-life working conditions of tires, such as various temperatures, high strains and frequencies, present significant challenges for testing and prediction. This presentation explores the results of dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of tire tread formulations with a focus on dynamic strain sweeps. By varying individual ingredients in the formulation and their loadings, effects on storage and loss modulus are investigated. Based on obtained experimental data, existing models are used and compared to predict and simulate the storage and loss modulus of tire treads.