Martin von Wolfersdorff
principal advisor
Martin von Wolfersdorff is an independent strategic consultant specializing in carbon materials such as carbon black, recovered carbon black, graphenes and carbon nanotubes. With Smithers, he founded the recovered Carbon Black Conference Series in 2019. von Wolfersdorff is also documenting the circular economy with tires on popular social media like Linkedin, Youtube and Instagram. Prior to his consulting business, von Wolfersdorff worked for 18 years in the chemical industry and had leadership roles in the carbon black, plastic color concentrates and titanium dioxide industries. He is a chemical engineer (Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) and certified coach (EASC).
Around the world with tire circularity
After a slow year in tire recycling in 2023, 2024 boasted several western tire recycling ventures that received investments and started building industrial facilities with pyrolysis technology. What are the success factors and what are the challenges for scaling up the production of recovered carbon black and tire pyrolysis oil? What are the different business paradigms in the Eastern world and in the Western world? What is the role of the tire industry? What is the expert forecast for these materials for the next years?