Speaker Details

Bertrand Thoumsin Regom

Bertrand Thoumsin

Bertrand works as a sales manager at Regom, a French company dedicated to the development of solutions for the identification and sorting of used tires. He has a mechanical engineering and business background. He first worked in the plastic recycling industry as a project engineer, where he developed a sensor-based plastic waste sorting system. He also gained valuable international experience by working in Canada and is now working to develop the European market for Regom.


Sorting for better recycling

Tire recyclers such as granulators, devulcanizators or pyrolyzers often face a significant challenge related to the consistency of the raw materials (inputs), irrespective of the recycling technology employed. Tire sorting involves the systematic separation, identification and catagorization of used tires into distinct grades. Understanding the composition of your inputs is key to enhancing the overall quality of the final product. Additionally, leveraging appropriate technology allows for more precise control over the entire process. The question arises: how can we revolutionize the sorting and identification process? Moving away from manual sorting toward automated sorting represents a promising solution.