Speaker Details

Ulrich Giese Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie eV  (German Institute of Rubber Technology)

Ulrich Giese

Ulrich Giese received his PhD in chemistry in 1988. He started in 1989 working in rubber ‎research at the German Institute of Rubber Technology (DIK). He is currently managing ‎director of DIK eV and DIK Testing Laboratory. Since 2010, Giese has been a ‎distinguished professor at the Leibniz University of Hannover (polymer/analytical ‎chemistry). Since 2013 he has been editor of the International Rubber Journal KGK. ‎Achievements include more than 145 publications; 180 lectures; acting as supervisor for more than 45 PhD ‎theses; and winning the Best Paper Award IRC 2014, Harries Medal DKG 2018, and ACS - Georg Stafford ‎Withby Award 2019. ‎


Influence of dynamic-mechanical load on thermal oxidative aging of elastomers

Depending on the elastomer composition, thermal-oxidative aging processes lead ‎to radical polymer degradation in competition with the formation of a secondary ‎network. During dynamic deformation, accelerated cracking and softening of a ‎component with the release of new surfaces for accelerated O2 input is to be ‎expected. Dynamic aging experiments with and without oxygene were performed ‎using time-to-failure analyses. The relationship between crack formation and DLO-‎effect (diffusion-limited oxidation) is investigated and characterized by highly sophisticated analytical methods. ‎