Speaker Details

Tobias Jochum Fraunhofer IAP

Tobias Jochum

Dr. Tobias Jochum studied chemistry and completed his PhD on semiconductor nanocrystals in the field of physical chemistry. Since he joined Fraunhofer in 2018, he has focused on anti-counterfeiting techniques. He published more than 20 patents and led the project SmartID, which researched the main technology for creating a unique and secure ID. Under his management, the technology is already being successfully implemented by a customer in the fashion industry.


SmartID: Verification of single tires with ease and its impact

In the EU the tire manufacturers lose 2.2 billion euros in revenue per year due to counterfeit tires. Although the number of anti-counterfeit solutions has increased in recent years, the number of counterfeits also rises. In the event of counterfeiting, manufacturers not only suffer a loss in revenue, but also brand damage and must investigate warranty claims and logistic issues. Our anti-counterfeitung solution, SmartID, is based on the uniqueness of each tire surface and addresses also other aspects like logistic processes and warranty claims. SmartID only requires the printing of a QR code and can be used with any smartphone.