Speaker Details

Paolo Gamarino SMC Corporation

Paolo Gamarino

Paolo Gamarino holds a bachelor's degree in engineering and has worked at SMC Corporation for the past 25 years. Founded in 1959 and headquartered in Japan, SMC is a world-leading manufacturer of pneumatic and electro-pneumatic control equipment. In his role as European industry manager, Gamarino is central to serving the needs of the major global tire manufacturers and their technology-leading machine builders. Gamarino has expansive experience in the field of pneumatic/electro-pneumatic technology applications used in the tire production process.


Release the pressure: become a 4-bar factory

For most industrial plants, the typical operating pressure (or main compressed airline) is between 6 and 7 bar. The presentation will describe, with practical examples, how to maximize energy efficiency and cost savings by switching a factory to 4 bar. SMC's innovative program to reduce the system pressure will reward tire manufacturers – and their machine builders – with saved money and resources, as well as improved environmental impact.